This section includes some terminology and codes related to academics to serve as reference tool for employees.
College: Academic division in the University organizational structure typically led by a dean and containing several academic departments.
College Codes include:
AH Arts and Humanities
DC Business
ED Education
EN Engineering & Computer Science
IL Joint PhD in Study of Religion
IS International Studies
LW Law
NM Natural Sciences & Mathematics
PP Professional Psychology
SS Social Work
TX Taxation
UC College of Professional Studies
UG Undergraduate General -
Course Number
Course Number: A four digit number used in combination with a subject code to denote a specific course in the University catalog. The following ranges of course numbers indicate the course level:
0001-0999 Pre-collegiate, Remedial, or Continuing Education Unit Courses
1000-1999 Undergraduate Courses (Lower Division)
2000-2999 Advanced Undergraduate Courses (Upper Division)
3000-3999 Advanced Undergraduate/Graduate Courses (Combined)
4000 or Over Graduate Courses -
Department: Academic unit within a college curriculum, faculty and courses are organized under. Here is a current list of departments: Department Codes
Level is assigned to both students and courses and control enrollment in courses and how credits will be applied with respect to GPA. Courses and students can have more than one level associated with them; however, a student’s record has a primary level.
Levels at DU are defined as follows:
00 Level Not Declared
CE Continuing Education Level
FP Law Semester
GR Graduate
PC Pre-Collegiate
UC Undergraduate Completion Program (used by College of Professional Studies BACP)
UG Undergraduate -
Subject Code or Subject
A two to four alphanumeric code indicating the subject or discipline being taught in a course.
Here is a current list of subject codes: Subject Codes
Term Code (Term)
Term Code (Term): Indicates the academic year and academic term. University of Denver operates on quarter and semesters as well as conducts courses for interterms and a continuing/professional education term.
Term codes are created by combing the four-digit calendar year with the two-digit code indicating the term. For example, the term code for autumn quarter 2023 is 202370.
Quarter codes are:
Winter: 10
Spring: 30
Summer: 50
Autumn: 70Semester codes are:
Spring: 20
Summer: 40
Autumn: 60
Interterm codes are:
Spring: 25
Winter: 85The continuing/professional education code is: 01