The FSEM Faculty Resources website was designed to provide FSEM faculty with updates, events, resources, and information for the academic year. For questions or information, please email
Teaching in the FSEM Program
First-Year Seminar is the cornerstone experience for incoming students at the University of Denver. FSEM faculty are the face of intellectual life at DU and the person to whom students turn for guidance during their first year.
Appointed faculty members interested in joining the FSEM program should ensure they are not taking leave during the academic year, as faculty maintain advising and mentoring responsibilities through winter and spring. All FSEM faculty attend training sessions in early September to share best practices, and receive updates on the Discoveries orientation schedule and advising tools.
If you are interested in teaching an FSEM, please contact Academic Programs at
First-Year Seminar Course Proposals
Faculty can find the First-Year Seminar Request for Proposals here: