All students who aren't meeting satisfactory academic progress must appeal the decision to continue receiving financial aid.
Examples of a possible appeal include:
- a student who exceeds his or her MTF limit due to a change in their degree program
- a student with extenuating personal/medical circumstances that have since been resolved
To appeal a financial aid suspension:
You should've received an email from the Office of Financial Aid via DocuSign with the subject line, "IMPORTANT: Financial Aid Hold - Action Required." That email links to a document that is pre-filled with your name, ID, and the reason you are not making SAP, and also serves as the official appeal form. If you wish to appeal the SAP decision, you must complete and submit the rest of the form, and attach supporting documentation as appropriate. If you didn't receive this form and believe you should have, please email us at
Appeal Submissions:
Appeal decisions will be emailed to students within three to five weeks of submission. Students are encouraged to submit appeals as promptly as possible to facilitate on-time disbursement of aid if the appeal is approved. For the fall quarter, students are encouraged to submit their appeal by mid-August. If the Financial Aid Appeals Committee needs more information regarding the appeal to make a decision, a staff member will coordinate this effort and the time frame will be delayed. All appeal decisions are final. Appeals must be submitted before the end of the academic year following SAP notification for any aid to be disbursed within that academic year.
Approved Appeals:
If the student's appeal is approved by the Financial Aid Appeals Committee, the student may be able to receive federal, institutional, or state aid for the following term. All other federal financial aid rules apply. The Office of Financial Aid will monitor the student's progress against the degree completion plan after each subsequent term to determine if the student is making progress congruent with the academic plan.
Denied Appeals:
Students must make progress congruent with the academic plan to continue to receive federal, state, and institutional financial aid. If the student has not regained compliance with SAP requirements or met the conditions of their academic plan when checked by the Office of Financial Aid, students will be required to submit another appeal citing different reasons for noncompliance than the previous appeal(s). If an appeal is denied, the student is no longer eligible for federal, state, or institutional financial aid until SAP compliance is regained.
Students will be suspended from financial aid once they reach the MTF limit unless an appeal is submitted and approved.
If a student's appeal is denied or a student elects not to appeal an SAP determination and continues enrollment at the University of Denver, students are responsible for paying all bills and charges without federal, state, or institutional financial aid until they regain compliance with SAP minimum requirements on their own.
Recalculating SAP Standing:
At any time during the year, if a student believes they are back in compliance with SAP requirements, it is the student's responsibility to contact the Office of Financial Aid to recalculate their SAP standing and determine if the student is eligible for financial aid for upcoming terms.