General Advising

  • I'm worried about coming into DU undeclared. Is it okay?

    Yes, one of the best things about DU is the ability to explore different disciplines! If you are considering Engineering or Science majors, make sure to follow those course plans until you have selected your major. Plan to declare your major prior to Spring quarter of your second year. Browse our Exploratory/Undeclared Website to learn more about your support network and recommended steps to take within your first year.

    Every quarter, DU offers an optional 2-credit course, CNP 1200, for students unsure of their academic and/or career direction. This course will help you explore your interests, skills, and values in relation to the world of work. If you have questions about registration or how this course will fit into your degree plan email advising@022aode.com.

  • What if I can't get into any of my major classes? Will I fall behind?

    In general, most degrees at DU are flexible and you will not fall behind if you are unable to get into a major class in your first quarter. As a first-year student, you can focus on common curriculum requirements. If you are an Engineering, Music, or Bachelor of Science degree, we recommend that you closely follow the course plan for your discipline.

  • What if I have AP/IB credit?

    If you did not already do so, you will need to have CollegeBoard send your AP scores or the International Baccalaureate send your IB Scores to DU code 4842. The Registrar's office will take care of transferring in that credit. It will show up automatically on your degree audit with the appropriate Common Curriculum credit, and it will also appear in your major if it's relevant. Find out more information about AP/IB credit at "Transfer & AP/IB Credit" page.

  • Are there mandatory classes I should take my first quarter?

    Every first-year student must take an FSEM their first quarter. Beyond your FSEM course, please consult the course guides in the "Majors, Minors & Course Plans" page for specific information pertaining to your degree.

  • Who is my advisor?

    Over the summer, all incoming students are provided support with first quarter course selection by Academic Advisors in the Office of Academic Advising. During Advising Weeks, Academic Advisors are holding introductory advising sessions to help students develop their first-quarter fall schedules and answer general advising questions.   After fall registration, new students will be assigned a primary Academic Advisor.

    If you have questions not addressed in our Advising Videos, please email advising@022aode.com.

  • When can I meet with an advisor?

    Over the summer, all incoming students are provided support with first-quarter course selection by Academic Advisors in the Office of Academic Advising. During Advising Weeks, Academic Advisors are holding introductory advising sessions to help students develop their first-quarter fall schedules and answer general advising questions.   After fall registration, new students will be assigned a primary Academic Advisor.  

    If you have questions not addressed in our Advising Videos please email advising@022aode.com

  • How will I know if there are any issues with my schedule?

    Don't worry about making a mistake in your course selection, during August Academic Advisors will review your schedule and contact you via email if there are any concerns.

  • What is a double major/dual degree?

    A "double major'' is a student who plans to receive a single degree (e.g. Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science), but who will complete all requirements for two majors. Degree options may only be available to specific majors. For instance, students can pursue either a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science in Psychology while Philosophy only offers a Bachelor of Arts degree. Students with a double major will be awarded a single baccalaureate degree, with two majors listed on a single diploma.

    Double major example: Bachelor of Science in Biology and Psychology

    A "secondary major" offers the option of studying two majors from two different degree programs (e.g. Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science). In this case the student will be awarded a single baccalaureate degree, with only the primary major listed on a single diploma. The academic transcript will reflect that the student earned a secondary major.

    Secondary major examples:

    Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a primary Marketing major and a secondary major in Communication.

    Bachelor of Science with a primary Computer Science major and a secondary major in Philosophy.

    Alternately, when a double major or secondary major is not an option a student may complete a "concurrent degree". This requires the student to obtain a minimum of 228 credits and complete all degree/major requirements for both areas of study. In this case the student is awarded two separate baccalaureate degrees and two separate diplomas.

    DU offers "dual degree" programs that allow students to earn a baccalaureate degree, plus a master's degree, in five years. Many combinations of degrees are possible. There are currently dual-degree programs available in art history, business, computer science, education, engineering, geographic information systems, natural sciences, public policy, psychology, and social work. Students interested in a dual- undergraduate/graduate degree program should contact their graduate school of interest as early in their undergraduate program as possible for advising and information on admission. Students start coursework for the graduate program in their third or fourth year, depending on the program.

Academic College Advising

College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences

  • Can I add a new major or double major?

    Yes! Declaring a new major is easy. Lots of our students also double major, double minor, or even do both. For a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree, you need 183 credits, and majors are typically 40–44 credits, so there's plenty of space in the curriculum for you to try different things. Some degrees such as a Bachelor of Science have stricter course sequences, it's a good idea to prioritize their requirements when planning your schedule.

  • What if the introductory course in my major is full?

    No problem! You can take the course later in the year, or even in your second year, and still graduate on time. For many of our majors, there are several different options that will count as the introductory course and also fulfill Common Curriculum requirements. In the meantime, you can take other Common Curriculum courses, courses for your minor or electives. This is a great time to try out a new subject that you might not have been exposed to before.

Lamont School of Music

Daniels College of Business

  • I'm not sure which specific business major I want to pursue. Is that okay?

    Yes. All students pursuing a business degree will be required to complete a group of foundational business courses, called the "Business Core". The Business Core includes classes from various subject-areas such as Accounting, Finance, Business Analytics, Marketing, Management, etc. Because all business students will be completing a majority of these courses during first and second-year, the Business Core provides students ample time to explore different areas of business before committing to a specific major.

  • I think I want to pursue a business degree but I'm not sure. Can I take a few business courses before deciding?

    Yes. We recommend taking courses such as BUS 1440 (The Fourth Industrial Revolution) — our introductory business course — and/or INFO 1010 (Analytics I: Data & Analysis). These courses can help students decide if a business degree is an appropriate field-of-study for them. Then, if a student decides he/she does not want to pursue a full business degree, the credits could still be applied toward potential business minors or as electives.

Korbel School

Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Ritchie School of Engineering & Computer Science

  • What if I already have credit for Calculus I?

    We suggest taking Calculus II (MATH 1952) or a UCC course for the fall.

  • What if I already have credit for Calculus I, but would still like to take it?

    You can take Calculus I again if you would like, however the credits will not be double counted. If you would like to repeat Calculus I, please email the Registrar's Office (registrar@022aode.com) for a override. 

  • What if I'm not ready to take Calculus I?

    We highly encourage all first-year Computer Science students interested in the BS and all engineering students to register for Calculus I fall quarter. If you are truly not prepared, you can take MATH 1070 - College Algebra and Trigonometry. In order to stay on track engineering students must be enrolled in Calculus I during the winter quarter.

  • What if I would like to explore another major in addition to Computer Science or Engineering?

    For Computer Science, the only courses needed specifically for fall quarter are COMP 1351 and COMP 1201. The rest of your schedule is flexible to take courses from other departments, however we do highly encourage MATH 1951 if you are interested in a BS.

    For Engineering, if you would like to take a different course than those listed, Chemistry is the easiest to take later. In order to stay on track, all others should be taken during fall quarter.

  • What if I already have credit for another required course besides math?

    If you already have credit for previous computer science experience, we suggest you take the next course in the COMP series or a UCC course.

    If you are an engineering student and already have credit for chemistry, it is suggested you take a UCC course.

Pre-Health Advising

  • What major is the best choice for Pre-Health?

    While a majority of students are majors in the College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics (especially Biological Sciences), Pre-Health students represent more than 34 majors across campus (for example, Psychology, Business, International Studies, Sociology, Music and Engineering). We do not have a pre-med or Pre-Health major and that is intentional. We encourage you to major in any discipline about which you are passionate. (We will help you incorporate the Pre-Health coursework you need.)

  • What classes should I take in my first year at DU?

    For most Pre-Health career paths, at least one year of chemistry is required. Furthermore, for many professional schools, 2 ½ years of chemistry is necessary. These courses are sequential; thus, we advise you register for CHEM1010 General Chemistry 1 and CHEM1240 Gen Chem 1 lab for the fall quarter of your first year. If you are not a science major, you will need an override to register. Please contact the instructor of the course (and lab) or the Chemistry department to request an override.

  • What should I do in my first year and how do I get involved?

    You will receive lots of information during the group Pre-Health Advising session for all 1st year students in the second week of classes. We will begin to map out a 4-year plan. In general, during your first year, you should:

    • Make a general curriculum plan
    • Develop study skills
    • Focus on your transition to college and your coursework
    • Start building your 'resume'
    • Engage in self-assessment

    But most important... don't stress! Just keep engaged!

    • Sign-up for the pre-health weekly newsletter 
    • Attend the pre-health advising session during orientation week and the pre-health group advising for 1st year students during 2nd week of classes

    For more information:
    Visit the Pre-Health Advising website (you will need to log in with your DU Credentials to see the content).
    Or contact Pre-Health Advising
    Email: preprofessional@022aode.com

The Honors Program

  • Can I still join Honors if I didn’t already apply?

    Yes, current DU first-years will have one last opportunity to apply at the end of the Fall 2024 quarter during our Late Admit round. Students can have any major but must have a 3.5 DU GPA to apply. Dates for this Late Admit round will be posted at 022aode.com/honors, along with a link to the application. After this period, there will not be another opportunity to apply.

  • What are the benefits of participating in the Honors Program?

    Besides the courses — which meet DU requirements in small, discussion-based, honors-only classes — honors students have priority registration and the opportunity to participate in special programming. They are part of a diverse community of interesting and supportive students and faculty.

  • Are Honors Students separated from the rest of the student body?

    The Honors Program is integrated into the university. Students in the Honors Program participate in all aspects of campus life. They double major, study abroad, and most of their major/minor and other classes are not in the Program.

  • Are there any classes that I must register for as a first-year student?

    Yes, all incoming Honors students must take HNRS 1000 in Fall 2024. This is a 0-credit introductory course for Honors. Unless you are bringing in credit for WRIT 1122, you should take WRIT 1622 (the Honors version of WRIT 1122) in Winter 2025. Similarly, you should take WRIT 1733 (the Honors equivalent of WRIT 1133) in Spring 2025, unless you are bringing in credit for WRIT 1133. Otherwise, we recommend that students take their Honors AI: Society and/or Honors SI: Society courses in their first year or two, if it works for their major, but this is not required.

  • Are Honors courses harder or more work?

    Honors courses are not meant to be more work. Rather, they are taught differently. Honors courses are discussion-based vs. lecture-based and incorporate active learning elements. You should expect a similar work-load to non-Honors courses.


Login Information



  • When will I receive my first bill, and when is it due?

    You will receive your bill on August 1st and it is due August 22nd.

  • Do I pay tuition each quarter, and do I have to pay different amounts of tuition per credit hour?

    Tuition is paid per quarter. Tuition is a flat rate for undergraduate students enrolled in 12–18 credit hours per quarter. Students enrolled in 11 or fewer pay per credit hour, whereas students enrolled in 19 or more pay the base tuition plus additional tuition per credit hour.

  • How will I receive my bill, and how do I pay it?

    A statement listing actual charges and financial aid credits for the term will be generated and posted to DUPay, our online tuition payment portal. An email will be sent to your DU email address each time a statement is posted.

  • Can I pay my tuition in installments?

    The University of Denver offers payment plan options to pay your tuition and fees. Quarterly payment plans are available for undergraduates and graduates. Semester plans are available for law students. The application fee is $20 per quarter plan and $30 per semester plan.

  • What is the last day to withdraw and get a refund on my tuition?
  • What is a Billing Agreement, FERPA, or authorized user, and do I need all three?
    • All students at the University of Denver are required to sign a yearly Billing Agreement. You will not be permitted to complete registration until you electronically sign this agreement. A registration hold is placed on your account until the agreement is signed. To view this hold and complete the agreement, please log in to My4DOnce there, Search Billing Agreement > Billing Agreement will open in new tab..
    • A FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) release must be completed to allow academic/billing information to be shared with persons of your choice, such as your bill payer. This will allow those you designate to inquire on the phone/email or in person about charges on your tuition bill. This is separate from DUPay authorized users. For more information visit http://qwge.022aode.com/registrar/other-student-services/privacy-ferpa.
    • DUPay allows you to share your DU tuition account information with multiple authorized users. Authorized users can log into DUPay to view your student account balance and make payments on your behalf. You also have the option to give authorized users access to your statement and payment history. Authorized users DO NOT have access to your stored payment methods, academic records or other personal information, and you do not have access to your authorized user's stored payment information. Authorized users are not able to call or email the University and inquire about charges on your statement unless they are also designated on your FERPA release.
    • The Billing Agreement is required for all students. While FERPA and authorized users are not required, most students complete these steps to allow designated persons to assist them so they may concentrate on studies.
    • If you cannot register but have completed the billing agreement check to see if you have any active holds on your student account. If not, contact the Office of Student Billing at 303-871-4944 between the hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday for further assistance.

Curriculum Questions (Including AP/IB, Transfer Credit and Math/Language Assessment Testing)

  • How do I know if DU has received my AP/IB scores?

    AP and IB results are received in large batches the second week of July. It can take at least a couple of weeks to process these scores and subsequently award the appropriate transfer credit. Please log in to My4D > Student Tools > My Student Profile > Prior Education and Testing (left hand side) and your scores should be displayed in the lower right. If your scores are not in My4D under My Student Profile, please check back after July 12 to verify your scores have been received. If they have not been received by the beginning of your registration time ticket, please refer to the DU AP/IB equivalencies information under the "AP/IB and Transfer Credit" tab to guide your registration. If DU has not received your scores, log in to College Board and verify that your scores were sent to school code 4842.

    For IB scores only: Use this link to send IB scores to DU. Once your scores have been sent, email admission@022aode.com and notify them your scores have been sent to DU. Please include your name, DU ID and mm/yyyy that you took your IB exams in your email.

  • When will my transfer credit show up on my degree audit?

    Dual/concurrent enrollment courses will be evaluated from official college transcripts for enrolled first-year students beginning in May and continuing throughout the summer months. Every attempt will be made to have credit evaluations complete by summer registration, which makes it imperative that we receive official college transcripts as soon as final grades are posted. Please contact admission@022aode.com if you have any further questions.

  • What classes should I register for if I have lots of AP/IB credit, and how will my AP/IB scores count toward my degree?

    Depending on your AP or IB scores, you may have credits that count towards Common Curriculum, your major(s), your minor(s), or electives. The University of Denver awards transfer credit for Advanced Placement (AP) and Higher Level International Baccalaureate (IB) exam scores that meet the criteria. The college will award up to 45 total quarter hours for credit. Once your scores become available, you can refer to our  AP and IB credit guide to determine how your scores impact your DU credits. If you did not already do so, you will need to have CollegeBoard send your AP scores or the International Baccalaureate send your IB Scores to DU code 4842. All incoming first year students will register for a First-Year Seminar (FSEM) course, so keep those four credits in mind as you plan Autumn quarter.

  • How much credit (AP, IB or transfer) can I transfer into DU?

    A maximum of 45 quarter hours can be transferred for AP or IB exams, a maximum of 96 quarter hours (64 semester hours) can be transferred in from two-year colleges and a maximum of 135 quarter hours (90 semester hours) can be transferred in from any combination of AP/IB exam credit, two-year and four-year institutions and/or military credit.

  • How do I know which math class to take, and what is the deadline for the math assessment?

    First consult your degree plan in the "Sample Course Plans" tab. If you are required to take calculus courses, please take our math advising tools. The deadline for autumn registration for new students is July 1st.

  • How do I know which language to take? Who takes the language placement test, and what is the test deadline?

    Students at DU can choose whichever language they desire. A handful of majors are exempt from the foreign language requirement. Please refer to the Center for World Languages and Culture's website for the most up to date information regarding language assessment testing. The deadline for completing the exam for autumn registration for new students is July 1st. Sign Language will not satisfy your foreign language requirement at DU, and you cannot transfer sign language credits to satisfy the requirement. Please visit the Department of Languages and Literatures for approved languages and offerings at DU.

  • I scored high on my AP/IB language exam. Do I still need to take a language assessment test?

    Yes, even if you scored high on your AP or IB language exam you will still need to take the language assessment test and your AP or IB scores do not exempt you from the foreign language requirement. Please refer to the Center for World Languages and Culture's website for the most up to date information regarding language assessment testing.

  • What is a credit hour, and how many credit hours should I take?

    The University of Denver unit of credit is the quarter hour. In general, each quarter hour of credit requires one class period of 50 minutes each week. Depending on the instruction method, the quarter-hour credit may not equal the hours spend in class. Most undergraduate programs at DU require 183 credit hours, this number includes transfer, AP and IB credit that has been approved by DU. In order to be a full-time student, you will need to register for at least 12 credits, which is generally three classes, worth 4 credits each. We recommend registering for 16 credits (4 classes) so that you have the flexibility to drop a course during the first week of the quarter without any penalty, such as a "W" on your transcripts. All incoming first year students will register for a First-Year Seminar (FSEM) course, so keep those 4 credits in mind as you plan autumn quarter. During your first quarter at DU, you can take up to 19 credit hours. Tuition costs the same for credit loads between 12 to 18 credits; any credits above 18 will result in additional tuition costs. After your first quarter, with an Academic Advisor's approval, you could consider more than 19 credits per quarter, with a maximum of 21 credits.

  • What is an FSEM?

    All first year students are required to take a freshman seminar also known as an FSEM. Please see the FSEM webpage for more information.

  • What is the Common Curriculum?

    The Common Curriculum provides students with a well-rounded education, creates context for major or minor course of study and introduces students to new areas of interest. From students' initial First-Year Seminar to the culminating Advanced Seminar, the curriculum encourages connections across modes of learning.

  • What are AI: Society and SI: Society courses?

    The Analytical Inquiry: Society, commonly referred to as AI: Society, is a Common Curriculum requirement. AI: Society courses encompass Arts & Humanities types of courses, and all DU undergraduate students will need two AI: Society courses from two different disciplines. In the My4D registration system, you can search by "Attribute" to find courses that meet this requirement. Click here for full step-by-step registration instructions.

    The Scientific Inquiry: Society, commonly referred to as SI: Society, is a Common Curriculum requirement. SI: Society courses encompass Social Sciences types of courses, and all DU undergraduate students will need two SI: Society courses from two different disciplines. In the My4D registration system, you can search by "Attribute" to find courses that meet this requirement. Click here for full step-by-step registration instructions.

  • Are there mandatory courses I should take my first quarter?

    Every first year student must take an FSEM their first quarter. Beyond your FSEM course, please consult the course guides in the "Majors, Minors & Course Plans" page for specific information pertaining to your degree.

  • I am in the Pioneer Leadership Program (PLP), Honors or a Living Learning Community (LLC). Which specific classes do I need to take?

    If you have not received information about which classes to take for PLP, LLC, or Honors, please see the contact information below:

    Ontario Duley for PLP at Ontario.Duley@022aode.com 

    Betty Hamilton for LLCs at LLCs@022aode.com

    Kira Castle for Honors at honors@022aode.com